You know it's been a while since you've blogged when you have to back and read what you last wrote about... The reason I have given up my procrastinating ways (for now) is that I am feeling poorly and don't much feel like doing anything else. I'm hoping I feel better tomorrow as we will be leaving on Sunday for a family trip (down to the south-east, along the Great Ocean Rd, up to Ballarat and Bendigo, and home via Halls Gap and the Grampians), and I have things to get organised as well as my Knitting group, a school meeting, and my Stitching group.

So, let's see. Since my last post we have : had the party (and sleepover), attended the 24hr International Pedal Prix, kept attending the Knitting group, had my stitching girls getaway weekend, and just general life.
Spring is here-and Summer is looking to be long and dry again. We didn't get much rain in August, so things will be drying out before long.
As far as crafting goes....I'm still stitching away on my model (on the home stretch now, but had hoped to be finished). Knitting-wise I have finished the beanie I had to reknit for Ron. I haven't knitted lately on the Mystery Shawl as it isn't a pick up and put down kind of project. Here's a bad photo of my progress. I am looking forward to getting back to this, but it has to wait, for now.
I've also started a little cropped short-sleeved cardi for Caitlin in a pink/orange variegated bamboo/cotton yarn from Lincraft. I haven't taken any pictures of that one though.
I have got a few pictures of the purchases I made at the Mt Pleasant Wool & Fibre Festival-better late than never, right?
I also got some more yarn (from the same seller as the pink) in a blue/green colourway, but my photography sucks, so you'll just have to use your imagination for now ;)
As you all know, I love to join in things. This summer I have joined Southern Summer of Socks which looks to be lots of fun and no pressure, except the pressure you put yourself under. Participants have been listing their own challenges, and I have decided to do the same.
1. Knit a pair of socks using the Magic Loop Method.
2. Knit a pair of toe-up socks.
3. Knit a pair of socks from each of Favorite Socks and Sensational Knitted Socks.
I think that will do for now. Both those methods will be new to me and I would like to try them as I currently am a top down, dpns gal. The reason for challenge no. 3 is that although I have these books and love them, I have not actually knitted anything from them-yet.
Oh, and I am on Ravelry as AussieLeo. I just checked and see that I've been on there since July 6-I still have to update lots of pictures on there, but it's lots of fun, and I love being able to see different people's projects.
Hopefully I will get to post before we leave-if only to let you know what projects I am taking with me! We plan to visit the Woollen Mills at Bendigo-and any other shops we see on our way.