Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What a month!

It's been a busy time since my last post.  Everything we are involved in seemed to happen in late August/September.  I completed my 1/2 marathon-not in a fast time, but my main goal was to finish it, which I did!  We also had Tournament of Minds for Caitlin, Ron had training for work in Sydney, the 24 hour Pedal  Prix race in Murray Bridge (including all the co-ordination/preparation for this), and then last Friday we had the school's biennial Long Walk which replicates the walk pioneer women did each week to sell goods at market.  I also had an assignment to hand up somewhere along the line.  Last weekend we had our first free weekend for a long time, and were able to get into the jungle garden and tame the weeds and growth that have flourished while we were busy.  

I have managed to get some crafting done, and even finished a couple of things.  I finished up the frilly scarf, but am undecided whether I will keep this for myself-I think it might be a bit too frilly for me.  

I also finished up the Santa stitchery, and stitched it into a wall hanging.

 I have been working on a few other things, but I might save those details until another post.

I've joined the Australian Fat Quarter Swap, and since it only involves shopping (from the stash or the shop) it should be great fun, and no stress from having to get things stitched by a particular date.

I do have another assignment due in about a month(ish), and school holidays start next week, but I'm hoping to blog more regularly (really, I promise!) now that other things have settled down somewhat.