Nearly a month since my last post! Oops..... What's been happening? Frankly, it's a bit of a blur-there was school holidays, and then the assignment from hell. Not sure what else really. I only have one more week of uni, and then it's swot vac before by exam and it's over for the year-yay! I have so many blogs to read-I didn't finish my assignment until Friday night, and then the weekend was filled with family catch-ups (my sister from Mt Gambier came up to stay also) and a school barbeque. Thanks for all the comments also.
I forgot to post any of the details relating to my stitchery last post-it's a design by Bronwyn Hayes from Australian Homespun magazine No. 62 (Vol. 9.7). I stitched it using DMC 115 which is a great variegated thread-it's one of the 'normal' line, and so is the same price as usual DMC cotton. I have no idea about the fabric-something from my stash that I picked up somewhere, sometime.....
I don't have any craft progress to show at the moment, and need to get my craft area and room sorted, because I feel disorganised. I'll be making some goals for November so I can see some progress too. In other craft related news, I'll be working at the craft fair here in Adelaide at the beginning of November-I'll be helping at the Stitchabout stand, which stocks, cross stitch kits, patterns, q-snaps, etc. I helped out there last year for one day, but this year I'll be there for all four days! I also attended a 'sit and stitch' afternoon earlier this month at the Patchwork Apple which was lovely. The ladies were gearing up for an exhibition at Woodside, and I got to see some amazing quilts! I plan to pop back there next week-the 'sit and sew' afternoons are held monthly.
To finish up, we welcomed some new additions to our backyard since the last post-two new chooks 'Rose' and 'Lily' (named by Caitlin). They settled in extremely quickly, and our older chook 'Copper' had adapted to the new youngsters fairly well too. I tried to take a photo, and it's not that clear, as they don't stay still-like most youngsters ;)
FNSi March
5 days ago