Well, December seems to have come and gone without a post, but as it tends to be for many of us a hectic time of the year, I'll let myself off the hook ;)
Some of the highlights since I last posted include the end of the school year including the end of primary school for Caitlin and our official association with the school, and Christmas day which included all of Ron's family here in the evening (I think the count is currently 32!). We had a quiet new year, and next weekend we are off to the South East (of South Australia) for a family get-together with my side of the family. Luckily the weather looks like it will be kind to us-we had a nasty heat wave last week with temperatures peaking around 42C (108F).
Looking at my craft goals in my last post-I did actually work on a few of the things on the list. I restarted the cross stitch, worked a bit more on the sock, and I did piece the jelly roll quilt top. I got as far as trying to quilt it, but my basting wasn't up to scratch, so that's on the to-do list. The 'Favourite Things' quilt has been put on the back burner-I've pulled out of the quilt-a-long, but I did try needleturn applique and was quite happy with it.
I know that many people make resolutions at the beginning of the year, but I prefer to make goals and plans ;) To help me with my crafting, I'm joining the 2012 Wipocalypse. I'll be working on some older WIPs and I'm sure there'll be new starts as well. I'm still working on balancing stitching, knitting and now quilting but some of that will happen naturally as I'm not going to be knitting on big garments in summer, even with airconditioning!
For the moment (i.e. until I change my mind) the three stitching projects I'll be focussing on will be Fred & Albert (HAED), The Bramble and the Rose (Ink Circles), and 2008 Wiehenburg Quaker Mystery Sampler. I have quite a few other WIPs and I'd like to get back to working on one (or more) of my Chatelaine WIPs and perhaps to add some Christmas ornaments along the way as well.
At the moment for quilting I want to work on my Tis The Season quilt, the hexagon quilt, and to finish the quilting and binding of the jellyroll quilt. I don't plan to do a lot of knitting during the summer, but the socks I'm working on at the moment are my travel project, and when they are done I may start another pair. When the weather cools down, I'll come up with a list I want to work on.
Just to liven up all this writing, and because I need to take some photos of my WIPs, here's a picture from a recent beach visit.
FNSi March
5 days ago