Yes-the blog is alive (barely), but they say that if there's life, there's hope ;)
It has been an eventful 6-7 months since my last post. Without going into lots of detail, I've re-entered the paid workforce after an absence of 16-17 years (customer service officer at my local library/council), and we have also been dealing with our youngest child's onset of depression and anxiety. This hasn't left me with time and/or inclination to blog over the last half of 2012.
I've decided that I need to try craft more (and blog) this year as it's a great for de-stressing, as well as something I can have control over and can see progress, when other things seem to be way out of my control.
I did refrain from joining all the stitch-a-longs, knit-a-longs, quilt-a-longs and craft-a-longs that were around at the beginning of 2013. I did sign up for one
Stitch-a-Long that uses books I already own to make a small item each month. I finished the first item (thread catcher) in January as required so a good start.
I also signed up for a Facebook stitch-a-long with a group of Australian stitchers. The design we are stitching this year is
here. We plan to stitch one small square each month, and the centre design as we go. I stitched my first section in January on a Stitches and Spice fabric with DMC 4240.
I've signed up for the HAED BB stitch-a-long but haven't made a start on it yet. Another thing I could have started this month, but will leave until later in the year is
Sew School.
I also have some WIPs I want to finish, and of course new projects, but I'm not making any specific plans for any of those at the moment.
I should be back soon with some more updates but here's picture of our newest family member-Archimedes-usually known as Archie.