Follow my blog with Bloglovin
Now that Google Reader is on the way out, I'm using Bloglovin' to keep track of blogs I follow. It's a bit different, but not so you can't work out what you're doing. I've had to put that link at the top of my post to claim my blog with Bloglovin' apparently, although I'm not entirely sure what that means...
Family wise we are doing OK. We are trialling Open Access College for our daughter which is basically schooling online with lessons live via the Internet. Year 12 continues for our son-I think the formal is next term?! Time really does fly! Ron won his softball grand final last weekend in a close (8-7) match. I am still getting some work shifts at the weekends (to fit in with being there for Caitlin) which I am still enjoying-we have some systems changes coming up in a few months so that should be interesting.
Craft wise, February was not particularly productive. Until we got things settled with school, things were very disrupted and I found it hard to get much done. I decided to use my 'pass' for the Stitch-A-Long for February but am planning to finish the bag in my own time. I also didn't complete my planned motif for the cross stitch SAL but I'm planning to catch up with that too. We are heading away to the Riverland for Easter as usual, so I'm hoping to get some crafting done then, although as it's not part of the school holidays, we won't be there for long.
I've got pictures of the FQ swaps I received last month and this month. Firstly, for February from Heather-you can see on her blog what I sent her, as I never remember to take a photo before I post.
My swap partner for March was Claire and it was a purple extravaganza!
I think my next post will be after Easter-hope you get a nice break (if you can) and stay safe!
FNSi March
5 days ago